Wicca and I

Wicca and I

Friday 28 September 2012

So far, so good

5 days on the diet now.  I am doing pretty well, though I did eat 3 squares of dark chocolate tonight.  Hey, my period is due any day now, give me a break!  Nah, in all honesty I really am doing well.  Hubbie even offered to give me money to go buy some junk food and have a munch, but I turned him down.  When I did go up town with D3, all I bought was crisps for hubbie and D3 bought me some go-ahead chocolate thins.  Which btw, are dellish!  Had D here all week, since Sunday and it hasn't been so bad, though when that girl is on a diet she suddenly becomes the worlds expert on what to eat and what not to eat, about exercise and all the things I am doing wrong.  SIGH... she can get so tedious!  Still, the first week and all that.  I have been given some Oralstat from the doc to help things along but so far they don't seem to be doing much for me.  Though for D they are working over time!  It's been like lava!  Flowing out of her, it's a wonder she can sit down.  Me thinks they are reacting with her diabetes meds.  But we are both due our monthlies, and we both have a good clean out a few days before, so it could be that as well.  I suggested she should give it a week and see how it goes.  If no change then perhaps an appointment with the doc is in order.  As for me, well as they don't seem to be doing anything right now, I will also give them a week to kick in and see if anything happens.  I am so motivated right now, and I don't want to lose that.  So far, so good.

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