Wicca and I

Wicca and I

Monday 3 September 2012

A New Year

Monday 16th January 2012

  It's been ages!  So much has happened and I haven't even marked any of it.  Where to start?  September.  Daughter number 2 went to Newquay, to Cornwall Collage for her degree in animal conservation.  It's a 2 year course.  She got the flat with G and J and they haven't been friends since.  it's been bitching and hating from all parties.  She also went back with T and they are trying the long distance realtionship thing.  I really miss her, so does daughter 3.  It's been quiet here now.  Number 2 left on Saturday 11th and daughter 1 got offered a place on the 12th and moved in on the 16th.  Gosh that started on 24th August.  She had a huge argument with R over the washing up of all things.  He said she had to leave, this was Sunday and Monday he told her to get out, we argued, number 3 daughter argued, all the usual shit that goes on.  Anyway, I wrote her a 4 week notice to take to the housing office and then R was like, nah, let's give her another chance, she can stay and I said, sure until the next time you give her one night to get out.  So i made her take it to the council office.  So they offered her a bedsit in a hostel and she has excepted.  It's just one room with a seperate bathroom, and a kitchen sink, fridge and a little counter top cooker.  The first week she was there all her old mated from Cinderford asked her out for a drink.  Within a week she had a bf.  Except D was a cheating bastard.  Number 1 then met L, the guy in the flat above her room.  They soon became friends and D got jealous of it but then daughter number 1 found out he was cheating and broke up with him.  After a month she and L started going out.  He was her first.  She had finally found someone worth it and someone she loved enough to do it with.  Now she lives with him in his flat, but has kept her room open in case anything should happen.  Last week she took a pregnancy test.  It was negative, but it's a testament to hpow serious this has got in short time.  number 2 is in collage and doing well.  The girls came home for Christmas. Number 3 had a bf and he chose boxing day to break up with her, except he never told her himself, he put it on fb before he even told her, so it's safe to say it wasn't a friendly break up.  I am on a new year, a new me thing again.  I gave up smoking, 2 weeks now.  Also dieting and started the Wii active 30 day challenge.  I'm walking dandy twice a day.  So far lost 4lb.  But I'm not stupid, it's nothing to brag about until I lose the first stone, and make the first month of non smoking.  As for me.  I feel useless, unwanted and un needed.  R still goes to the gym.  He joined up last Sept and goes most days.  If he could just get his eating under control he might lose weight.  Of course the fact that he joined the gym shocked me, but it was one hell of a shck when he started going and he was doing so well.  he lost 2 stone and you could see where the gym was doing it's job.  but then he got bored and it all fell apart.  He might make it twice a week and his prtion size is stupid.  Having a bowl of anything for him it's a family size serving bowl.  So that's it I guess.  I am haivng a shitty day, caught you all up, now I'm outta here.

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